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Mountain Pass Performance Model 3 komfort justerbara coilovers för performance eller AWD modellerna. Speciellt utvecklade för att förbättra upplevelsen och köregenskaperna i din Model 3 på ett komfortabelt men samtidigt justerbart sätt. Perfekt för dig som vill sänka bilen samtidig som komforten ökar, speciellt över stora gupp, men samtidigt ha möjlighet att köra på bana med bilen. Justerbar i höjdled från fabrikshöjd ner till 50 mm under standard.
Stötdämparna är progressiva som är inställda för att aktiveras i de mest aggressiva stötarna, men samtida inte för att öka hårdheten under normala förhållanden och körstil.
Mountain Pass Performance egna ord om deras justerbara komfort coilovers för Model 3:
Aftermarket suspension is something that can make or break the enjoyment of a vehicle. Unfortunately for Model 3 owners, the car is very high from the factory and runs into the bump stops over just about any bump – and they are always engaged once a car has been lowered on springs. This means that the dampers (also called shock absorbers) must be changed when lowering the car to allow for a compliant chassis over bumps, and to avoid damaging the vehicle when driving aggressively – as the bump rubber can only compress so much before effectively becoming effectively solid. Repeated extreme impacts can damage the top mounts and put unnecessary shock through the entire vehicle, and upset the platform when driving at the limit.
Our coilovers have been developed to offer a huge range of height adjustability with significantly more travel than stock. This suspension system has been developed jointly with KW Suspension, one of the leading aftermarket performance and racing suspension suppliers in the world. There is a reason why KW is the go-to pick for those that own European sports and luxury cars.
After almost 2 years of real-world testing, we have designed this Comfort Adjustable Coilover kit to further improve on the ride quality of our Comfort Non-Adjustable kit while also offering a wide range of both height and damping adjustment. While our Comfort Non-Adjustable line was able to bridge the gap between lowering springs and quality coilover suspension, we knew many of you wanted a no compromises street suspension that was still sporty, but a bit softer than our sports kit if you aren’t planning on taking your car to the track. Taking full advantage of the twin valve technology offered by KW in their V3 line, we are able to use different valving and spring rates to maximize the ride quality of the Tesla Model 3 without sacrificing agility or performance. Don’t be mistaken – while this kit is extremely comfortable, it still wakes the car up and gives it the handling that it should have had from the factory. This is the ideal kit if your daily commute is through the city but you like to take your car out on the backroads or canyons for some fun.
Factory Ground Clearance (19″ Wheels, Early Production Springs):
Front: 155mm
Rear: 150mm* As Model 3 production evolves we have seen different cars be slightly different heights. You can measure the ground clearance of your car if you’re trying to determine exactly how much you’ll be able to lower your car with our coilovers, but as a guide you’ll be able to get the car far lower than you ever should want to run it. In our testing we found 110mm front and rear was a very driveable height and that will be our recommended ride height.
MPP Coilover Range:
Front: 90mm – 140mm
Rear: 100mm – 140mm
We have hundreds of customers using our coilover kits on their Model 3’s and so far the reviews have been really encouraging. We suggest you do some research online to read some reviews and ask us if you have any questions, as our opinions of ourselves are obviously biased in our favor! Picking suspension for your vehicle is so difficult because unlike power figures, the “feel” of the car is not something that can be quantified. For this reason, it’s not uncommon for a good salesman to get you into something you might otherwise not have chosen if you were able to compare both products on merit entirely. The closest we can get is to suggest reading reviews, especially from those who have had other suspension and have switched to MPP, as they have a direct back to back comparison.
Installation instructions HERE
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Hamphi monterar
Önskar du hjälp med montering/installation eller söker du service för din elbil?
Genom att välja Hamphi montering i kassan kan du lätt och smidig boka installation av dina Tesla tillbehör.
Vi använder enbart högkvalitativa reservdelar och tillbehör och har en fullutrustad verkstad i Angered utanför Göteborg, för att tillgodose dina behov.
Vår målsättning är att erbjuda en bekväm och pålitlig service för Tesla-ägare och andra elbilsägare.
Välj till montering i kassan eller kontakta oss här för mer information.