What is Tesla Corsa?

Tesla Corsa is the world's first track day for Tesla, originally from the US, which is now also organizing its fourth track day in Europe in collaboration with Hamphi and for the first time now in Sweden! In other words, a training day for Tesla enthusiasts to share experiences, have a really fun day and create new memories with like-minded people.

There is a maximum number of participants that can attend during the day, both at the event itself but also on the track. So make sure to book your place today!

  • When is the event?

    The Tesla Corsa event will be organized for the first time in Sweden on Saturday 14 September from 09:00 to 17:00 at Mantorp Park in Sweden.

  • Who are we who participate?

    Hamphi staff, suppliers, the Tesla Club in Sweden and Finland, and customers from the Tesla community in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland.

  • Requirements for participation:

    Owners of Tesla. Only Teslas will be allowed to the event, so unfortunately you will have to leave the Volvo at home.

To participate during the day, you must book your place! Email the following info below by clicking on the book your place button!

The following information will be required whether you are just taking part in the event in general or whether you will be driving around the track.

  • Name of the driver
  • Names of any passengers
  • Car registration number
  • Will you be driving on the track or just attending the event?
  • If you are going to drive on the track: How would you rate yourself as a driver on the track between 1-10 with 10 being the highest?

The ranking you put on yourself together with the car you drive will be the basis for Mantorp Park staff and the selection of your driving group.Your driving group may be changed during the day if necessary, the decision taken by Mantorp Park is the final decision.

Email here and book your place today!
  • Racing school

    Mantorp Park will have staff around the track and also race instructor on site for mandatory instructions on driving on track with color-coded flags and also warm-up laps with how to drive around the track behind lead car.

    On the race tracks, your regular car insurance does not apply.If you want to take out extra insurance, make sure to apply for it yourself.

  • Good to know

    During the day and on the race track, cars and participants will be photographed and filmed continuously by a separate film crew together with individual photographers.The material will be exposed on hamphi.com and Tesla Corsa as well as possible partner websites and social media. The material is there to promote future events and at the same time deliver fun memories.

  • Rules of conduct

    It is not possible to book driving on the track on the spot, everything must be booked and paid in advance. If the application or payment is not made, the car will not be admitted to the area.Keep in mind that the registration number of the car and the driver's license must be shown at the entrance to enter the event. During the day at Mantorp Park, their staff will be responsible for the security of the bank run. Rules and information from Mantorp Park should be followed to ensure order and tidiness on and around the track.

  • How much does it cost?

    • Entry fee for access to the event during the day (no cost for drivers or passengers, only the car) 200:-
    • Bank driving (including registration fee and accident insurance included for drivers) 2 995:-
    • Co-passenger when driving on a track (accident insurance) 200:-
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Make sure to secure your place today! ⚡