Where can I find your offers?
You can easily find our current promotions on the Hamphi website. Click on the'Deals' tab on our homepage to explore all the exciting offers.
How do I stay updated on promotions?
The best way to stay updated on our promotions is by subscribing to the Hamphi newsletter. We also recommend following us on our social media platforms for the latest news.
My discount code does not work. What should I do?
First, check that your discount code is valid. Enter the code in the field under "DISCOUNT CODE" at checkout and then click "add". If you still have problems, please contact our customer service.
I bought a product yesterday and now the price is reduced. That's annoying.
Promotional prices are continuously updated. We understand that it can be frustrating, but stay tuned for future offers!
Do you send out offers?
Yes, we send out information about our promotions! Follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest updates.
What is the 'bargain corner' at Hamphi?
In our 'bargain corner' we offer products that have been repaired or have minor defects at reduced prices. This initiative reduces our waste and saves resources while offering quality products to our customers.