IF Metall stämmer Tesla på 100 000 kronor

IF Metall sues Tesla for SEK 100,000

The trade union IF Metall has filed a lawsuit against the electric car company Tesla, demanding SEK 100,000.The reason is that Tesla has refused to provide insight into the company's finances and operations, which is contrary to the Co-determination Act (MBL), according to the union. The news agency Siren reports that the lawsuit has now been submitted to the Labour Court.

IF Metall has tried to get access to information from Tesla's service workshop in Uppsala, but was met with resistance. Tesla has not shared information either on its own initiative or during the negotiations held between the company and the union.The background to the conflict is that the union believes that they have a right to transparency, a right that they believe Tesla has violated. According to the newspaper Arbetsvärlden, a lawsuit was imminent even before midsummer.

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