Unlock and start using the mobile app

You can use your mobile app to unlock and start Model X. This can be useful when you don't have your remote key or are not physically near the vehicle (e.g., if you want to unlock the vehicle for your spouse from across town).

Note: Both your phone and vehicle must be actively connected to a mobile service and mobile access must be enabled on the touchscreen (Controls>Security>Allow mobile access) in order for the mobile app to communicate with your vehicle. Tesla recommends that you always have a working physical key on hand if you park in an area with limited or no cellular coverage, such as inside a parking garage.

Unlock your vehicle with the mobile app:

  1. Open the Tesla mobile app on your phone.
  2. Tryck på Låsikon

Anm: Remember to press Lock icon when you are ready to lock your vehicle.

Start the vehicle using the mobile app:

  1. Open the Tesla mobile app on your phone.
  2. Tryck på Reglage > Starta.

Anm: You have two minutes to start driving once you have enabled keyless driving. If the two-minute window expires before you drive, you must re-enable keyless driving.